miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

INGLÉS 5º - AB REVISIÓN (corregida)

Good morning!

Here you have the exercises from the AB REVISION.

1 page 60.
Vacuum: vacuuming                  Make: making                    Put on: putting on
Do: doing                                      Tidy: tidying                        Clean: cleaning

2 page 60.
3. At 9.40, they were doing the washing up.
4. At 10.50, they were tidying the living room.
5. At 11.25, Jess was vacuuming the carpet.
6. At 12.10, Jim was cleaning the bathroom.
7. At 10.10, they were making the beds.
8. At 1.05, Jess was putting out the rubbish.

3 page 61.
En este ejercicio cada uno tendrá unas preguntas diferentes. Eso sí, todas tienen que tener la misma estructura (lo que está en negrita es lo que tenéis que tener todos igual):
What was Jim/Jess doing at?
What were they doing at?

5 page 61.
1. Some           2. How many           3. Any / Enough           4.  Haven’t got

7 page 61.
2. He has got too much sugar.             4. He hasn’t got enough flour.
3. He has got enough butter.               5. He has got too many eggs.

8 page 61.
3. How much butter has the got? 150g.
4. How much flour has he got? 100g.  
5. How many eggs has he got? 4.

9 and 10 page 62.
1. What time did he get up? At eight o’clock.
2. Where did he go? He went to the park.
3. What did he do in the park? He played football.
4. When did he leave the park? At five o’clock.

11 page 62.
2. What / a              3.  What / c             4. Who / e                5. Where / b

12 page 62.
1. lamb stew and mashed potato                   5. vanilla ice cream                    
2. chocolate milkshake                                     6. mushroom soup
3.  apple pie                                                       7. sausages and chips    
4. baked potato and salad                              8. roast beef and vegetables  

14 page 63.
1. glue and wire                                        5. chips and car
2. card and living room                            6. zip and string
3. tape and hand                                     7. paint and flute
4. jeans and lunch                                    8. salad and violin

Mystery word: a clarinet

15 page 63.
Things with p: paint, paper clips, plants, paintbrush
Things with s: sausages, stapler, straw
Things with c: camera, clarinet, chips, carpet
Things with m: mobile phone, microwave oven
housework jobs: water the plants, vacuum the carpet, clean the windows

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